IMG_6947 2 ゆらぎ Vol.260.6×72.2cm2024
IMG_6666 ゆらぎ Vol.197.0×130.0cm2024
IMG_2436 2 Day Light Vol.290.9×116.7cm2023
5474737D-C66F-4362-82FA-DAF1AED46CE6 離-ri-80.3×100cm 2023
DEF47411-F9B2-4795-8742-5602965F8502 破-ha-80.3×100cm2023
930135EC-C2CC-43BE-87B5-55B472189E54 守-shu-80.3×100cm 2023
IMG_3538 Spiral Vol.10 100×100cm2023
Psyche Vol.62 Psyche Vol.6260.6×72.7cm2023年
In the Garden Vol.5 In the Garden Vol.553.0×65.2cm2023年
IMG_8467 花筏 -はないかだ- Vol.245.5×53.0cm2023年
花筏 Vol.1 花筏 -はないかだ- Vol.190.9×116.7cm2023年
Free from Vol.3 Free from Vol.337.9×45.5cm2023年
Landscape where is not here Vol.46 Landscape where is not here Vol.4653.0×45.5cm2023年
Spiral -Flowers and Butterflies- Vol.9 Spiral -Butterflies and Flowers- Vol.972.7×72.7cm 2023年
Psyche Vol.60 Psyche Vol.6053.0×45.5cm2023年
Synthesis No.1 Purple Synthesis Vol.1 Purple 90.9×60.6cm2021年
Synthesis No.2 Green Synthesis Vol.2 Green90.9×60.6cm2021年
Synthesis No.3.YellowJPG Synthesis Vol.3 Yellow90.9×60.6cm2021年
Synthesis No1.2.3. Synthesis Vol.1,2,390.9×60.6cm each2021年
Landscape where is not here Vol.40 Landscape where is not here Vol.4031.8×40.9cm2022年
In the Garden Vol.1 In the Garden Vol.190.9×60.6cm2022年
In the Garden Vol.2 In the Garden Vol.290.9×60.6cm2022年
In the Garden Vol.3 In the Garden Vol.390.9×60.6cm 2022年
In the Garden Vol.1,2,3 In the Garden Vol.1,2,390.9×60.6cm each 2022年
Sakura Vol.2 Sakura Vol.2112.1×130.3cm 2021年
A0D6B2B6-2B50-4FC8-B0D9-EE61F7EEAB31 Spring Bouquet 53.0×45.5cm2022年
Flower in a pot Flower in a pot 53.0×45.5cm2022年
Birthday bouquet Vol.1 Birthday Bouquet 53.0×45.5cm2022年
Four seasons Winter Vol.5 Four seasons winter Vol.533.4×24.3cm2023年
Four seasons Fall Vol.5 Four seasons Fall Vol.533.4×24.3cm2023年
Four seasons Summer Vol.5 Four seasons Summer Vol.533.4×24.3cm2023年
Four seasons Spring Vol.5 Four seasons Spring Vol.533.4×24.3cm2023年
_1 Butterfly Camouflage Vol.1100×100cm2020
_2 Butterfly Camouflage Vol.272.7×72.7cm2020
_3 Experiment of medium specificity No.1 R to Y90.9×72.7cm2020
_4 Experiment of medium specificity No.2 Green90.9×72.7cm2020
_5 Experiment of medium specificity No.3 Blue90.9×72.7cm2020
_6 Experiment of medium specificity No.4 Purple90.9×72.7cm2020
_7 融合 -Synthesis-145.5 × 145.5 cm2020
_8 Synthesis, June. Vol.1116.7×90.9cm2020
_9 Circle - spiral flowers- Vol.1Φ 72cm2020
_10 Sea and Sky -海と宇宙- ウミとソラΦ 72cm2020
_11 Paradigm shiftΦ 72cm2020
_12. Circle -Spiral butterflies- Vol.1Φ 72cm2020
_13 Spring Vol.29F20 72.7×60.6cm 2020
_14 Spiral -flowers and butterflies- Vol.6S40 100.0×100.0cm2020
_15 Spiral -blue butterflies- Vol.5S40 100.0×100.0cm2020
_16 Mirror-floating instant- Vol.1Φ 80cm 6.5kg2020
_17 Mirror-floating instant- Vol.2Φ 80cm 6.5kg2020
_18 Mirror-floating instant- Vol.3Φ 80cm 6.5kg2020
_19 Mirror-floating instant- Vol.4Φ 80cm 6.5kg2020
_21 Mirror -Synthesis- Vol.1各 70×70cm 6.3kg2020
_20 Mirror -Synthesis- Vol.1各 70×70cm 6.3kg2020
secret garden-c Secret Garden 72.7×60.6cm2018
Flowers vol.21s Flowers vol.2172.7×72.7cm2018
Blue-butterfly-vol.1小 a blue butterfly vol.1100×80.3cm2018
Spring-a bubble-vol.2 Spring -a bubble- vol.2 90.9×90.92018
Landscape where is not here vol.11s Landscape where is not here vol.1172.7×72.7cm2018
Landscape where is not here vol.10 Landscape where is not here vol.1072.7×60.6cm2018
Spring vol.18 Spring vol.1872.7×60.6cm2018
Flower pattern -gold-vol.1 Flower pattern -gold- vol.172.7×60.6cm2018
overlap of emotion vol.2 Overlap of emotion vol.280.3×65.2cm 2018
Spring-vol.19 Spring vol.19120×95cm2018
IMG_3445 Floating instant -blue butterfly- vol.10145.5×112.1cm2018
Butterfly tails vol.2 Butterfly tails vol.272.7×60.6cm2018
Mirror-flower and futterfly-no.1b小 Mirror -flower and butterfly- 作品no.181×49cm2018
Mirror-flower and futterfly-no.1.2a小 Mirror -flower and butterfly- no.1, no.281×49cm 2018
Mirror-flowers and butterfly-no.3小 Mirror -flower and butterfly- vol.572.7×72.7cm2018
a'Landscape where is not here vol.12小 Landscape where is not here vol.1272.7×60.6cm2018
Floating instant vol.9 Floating instant vol.972.7×60.6cm2018
Circulation Circulation36×48inch2016
Consecutive moments Consecutive moments18×24inch2016
psyche vol.28 Psyche vol.2814×11inch2016
Summer bouquet summer bouquet 18×24inch2016
flowers vol.8 Flowers vol.816×16inch color on wood panel, silver leaves, rock pigments
rose petals Rose Petals14×11inch2016
landscape of coney island Landscape of Coney Island24×36inch2016
landscape of canyon point vol.2 Landscape of Canyon Point vol.2 22×28inch2016
Summer bouquet summer bouquet18×24inch2016
大竹寛子(Flowers vol.5) Flowers vol.572.7×60.6cm 2015
Consecutive moments Consecutive moments18×24inch2016
Circulation Circulation36×47inch2016
大竹 寛子(完全変態) Metamorphosis 162.0×130.3cm2008
14.poppies poppies33.4×24.3cm2014
Lilies vol.2 Lilies 41×31.8cm2012
かたちの生まれる場所 The form of beginning 90.9×116.7cm2011
25.a bubble a bubble145.5×145.5cm2011
spiral-trmming Spiral162.1×130.3cm2011
Flowing instant vol.2 2013のコピー Floating instant vol.2181.1×227.3cm2013
floating-instant Floating instant181.1×227.3cm2010
N.Yの残像 Delusion181.1×227.3cm2007
修了制作データ 004 Glorious falling181.1×227.3cm2007
Happnes bubbles 2006 Happiness bubbles181.1×227.3cm2006
幸福幻想 Happiness fantasy181.8×227.3cm2005
記憶の残像 Clematis Clematis113.6×181.8cm2008
赤い薔薇の記憶 Memoly of red rose 2008 Memory of red Rose113.6×181.8cm2008
Psyche vol.26a.jpg(100) Psyche vol.26F4 33.3×24.2cm2015
The blue rose The Blue Rose vol.2P6 41.0×27.3cm2015
Psyche gold butterfly vol.15 Psyche Gold butterfly Vol.15P6 41.0×27.3cm2015
SONY DSC Memory of Clematis vol.2P30 65.2×91.0cm2015